The St. Mel Student Experience
- Faith-filled community
- Safe and secure gated campus
- In Grades K-5, 12:1 student to teacher/aide ratio; schoolwide ratio is on average 14:1
- Instruction that follows Diocese of Sacramento and Common Core Standards
- Traditional Jr. High setting for 6th-8th grades that offers homeroom, plus specialized instruction with Jr. High School faculty in math, science, reading, and writing
- Computer instruction using state of the art technology and integrated into classroom instruction
- Spanish classes
- Art Exploration Program
- A robust music program that offers singing, rhythms, and dance
- Accelerated math classes for students working at a faster pace
- Accelerated Reading program to improve student reading performance and critical thinking skills, and measured standardized assessments
- Reading resource instruction in small groups to support and reinforce classroom differentiated instruction
- Writer’s Workshop and Six Traits of Writing interdisciplinary writing techniques to build fluency and excellence in writing across the curriculum
- Physical education and extracurricular sports programs, including flag football, volleyball, basketball, cross-country, track, and golf
- Extra-curricular activities, including student council, choir, a talent show, and yearbook
- Academic competitions, such as spelling bees, religion, and academic decathlons, choir, speech, and math competitions
- Extension: After-School Care Program
- Summer program