Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom

Over the past several years, major improvements to the information technology infrastructure at St. Mel have been made to support the expanding role of technology in the educational curriculum and the day-to-day operation of the school. We have a continued commitment to the integration of technology into all aspects of the school, creating a 21st-century learning environment. In a very short time, technology has moved from a novelty in education to an integral part of school life. We continue to work hard to keep pace with the quickly changing technology culture. Here are a few highlights of recent technological advancements at the school:

  • All classrooms in Kindergarten through 8th grade are equipped with smart TV and Apple TVs.  All teachers use these products as integral and interactive components of the daily classroom experience.
  • Technology in the classroom has been enhanced through the implementation of Google Classroom, SeeSaw, Accelerated Reader Program, STAR Reading assessments, and online resources.
  • Technology is integrated into lessons in Science, STEM, Religion, Engineering, Math, and Art.  
  • Parents have continual access to online grading, attendance, homework, forms, and classroom, and school news through the FACTS Family Portal. This means parents have a peek into the teacher’s grade book at all times for their child.
  • The St. Mel FACTS Family Portal serves as a primary tool for communication for classroom teachers as well as the administration.